Build a solid foundation to effectively lead people.


Inclusive leadership is heart-centred, courageous, and is able to leverage the various perspectives of teams in a way that invites collaboration, trust-building, and creates an atmosphere where individuals feel valued, and included.


This series is aimed at leaders wanting to provide supportive, compassionate, inclusive leadership in order to navigate an increasingly diverse and complex workplace. At the end leaders should have a solid foundation and skills to effectively lead organizations.

A sneak peak

Our Core Workshops

We meet people where they are at in their experience— ensuring a trauma-informed process, transparency and open communication. The goal of our training is to guide people to live up to their values by creating space to work through complex problems.

Foundations of Anti-Racism

This course is an introduction to the topic of race and racism in the workplace. Each module will deepen your understanding of historic and systemic realities of racism that shape workplace culture and norms. We will listen, learn and engage with various perspectives of racialized academics and professionals. 

Foundations of Anti-Oppression

This course is an introduction to anti oppression and intersectionality. Through our modules we will explore concepts such as systemic oppression, systems of power, social justice, privilege, equity and allyship. 

Trauma Informed Coaching

This course helps you recognize and understand trauma and how it can show up in the coach-client relationship. Learner to assess your own coaching practice and processes from a trauma-informed perspective, while incorporating trauma-informed practices (including clear and accessible process, client contracts and boundaries) to create a safe and thriving space for the coachee – ever mindful, of having a duty of care, and recognizing when to refer appropriately.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in the Workplace

Moving beyond the performative, participants will learn and explore the ways in which to dismantle oppressive structures in the workplace and work towards meaningful inclusion, and working collaboratively with and across various equity-seeking groups. Learners will develop skills to co-create justice-centred, equitable, safe and transformative work spaces.

Removing Barriers to Communication

You will learn effective communication strategies rooted in an anti-oppressive perspective, including, tone, body language, address defensive communication as well as embodying, transformative and accountable communication styles.

How to Address Systemic Conflict

In this course, you will learn to identify, evaluate, and address organizational and systemic contributors to conflict. Specifically, you are invited to look at conflict as a system with various factors that interconnect, feed and interact with each other. By the end learners will have the skills to look for the relationships that feed conflict, adn once identified, subvert these in order to foster resolution.

Building Collaborative Cultures

In this course you will learn how to troubleshoot team barriers to collaboration, including leaders’ roles in fostering a culture of collaboration. Learners will come away with skills and strategies to encourage effective collaboration, and team engagement. Addressing conflict, supporting autonomy, and building a culture of accountability will be covered in this training.

Radical Self Care

FIll your cup first before filling someone else's. Ever heard this saying? In this course, participants learn to reclaim the definition of self-care, moving away from an individualistic understanding to one rooted in an understanding of how to model care for ourselves in our communities and workspaces. Learn to thrive and reject grind culture and connect with our hearts and others and have more to give.

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